When I check out ebooks on Overdrive or Libby, what are the limits?
Can I renew the ebooks?
You can check out up to 5 ebooks or eaudiobooks in any one Libby / Overdrive account at one time.
You can have up to 5 ebooks or eaudiobooks on hold in any one Libby / Overdrive account at one time.
If there are no holds on an ebook or eaudio, you can renew the item. If there are holds, your ebook or eaudiobook will automatically be returned.
To see how to renew an ebook, please visit the Overdrive help pages, here: https://help.overdrive.com/en-us/0260.html
or Libby here: https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6039.htm?tocpath=Home%7CBorrowing%252C%20renewing%252C%20and%20returning%7C_____3
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