Answered By: JB
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2023     Views: 68

These are the new films starting for the 2022/2023 School Year (The Library ordered one physical copy of each DVD for each library):

Fourth Grade Videos

  • Meet the New You: For Girls  --  j 613.0433 
  • Meet the New You: For Boys -- j 613.0433

Fifth Grade Videos 

  • Puberty: a Boy's Journey through the Physical, Emotional and Social Changes  -- j 613.907
  • Puberty: a Girl's Journey through the Physical, Emotional and Social Changes -- j 613.907

6th Grade Video (Are from previous years. We have several copies of each)

  • We're Growing Up  --  j 613.907
  • A Baby is Born  --  j 612.6 

[Physical DVD's were not available for the videos uniquely written for students with disabilities, so we do not carry these videos] 


     (En Espanol - These titles are also available in Spanish)

Fourth Grade Videos

     Just Around the Corner (Girls)    J 613.955       &    International Language SPA J 613.955
     Just Around the Corner (Boys)   J 612.661        &    International Language SPA J 612.661

Fifth Grade Videos

     Growing up for Girls      j 613.907       &    International Language SPA 613.907
     Growing up for Boys     j 613.907        &    International Language SPA 613.907

Sixth Grade Videos

      We're Growing Up     j 613.907        &   International Language SPA 613.907
      A Baby is Born           j 612.6            &   International Language SPA 612.6


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