Answered By: JB
Last Updated: Nov 08, 2024     Views: 7108

On November 13, 2024, OverDrive will remove the MP3 audiobook format from their available services and will end support for OverDrive's desktop app for Windows and Mac.

After this change, you can listen to audiobooks using the following options:

  • Stream on a computer using the “Listen now in browser” format on our OverDrive website.
  • Stream on a computer using the Libby app.
  • Download for offline listening using Libby on a supported Android, iOS, or Amazon Fire device.

Although OverDrive's support for the OverDrive app was discontinued early in 2023, you can continue using it if it was previously downloaded, but MP3 format will no longer appear in your download choices after November 13, 2024.  

If you have a smartphone or tablet, switching to Libby may enhance your experience. See an introduction to Libby!

What if I don't have a smart phone?

Unfortunately, we do not have the option to continue the OverDrive app, the parent company, OverDrive, has discontinued the app and switched entirely to Libby.  There are other options for those who do not have smart phones, such as our physical audiobooks on CD and Playaway (a standalone MP3 player). 

If I go to another library that has Hoopla instead of Libby can I download Hoopla books as MP3 files? 

Unfortunately, Hoopla eaudiobooks are also limited and cannot be downloaded as an MP3.  


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