Answered By: JB
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024     Views: 56

You can use a computer at either the Newbury Park or Thousand Oaks Library for up to two hours at a time.  Computers for public use have internet access and common Microsoft programs available. 

You will need your library card and PIN to log on - or stop at the Information Desk and get a Guest Pass to login without a card.  Please note that the Guest Pass logins have a filter in place, and may not be able to access certain websites. Those adults over 18 holding library cards will have full access, with an option to temporarily bypass the filter if it blocks a site they wish to view.  Please see the user agreement when logging in to an Internet Station to read more about the parameters of using public Internet Workstations.

Laptop computer Kits can be checked out by adults over the age of 18 at either the Newbury Park or Thousand Oaks Library, they come in a kit with a WiFi hotspot for internet access.  These computers are very popular, so you may want to check online and place a hold on one; you will typically not find them available at the desk.  Laptop Kits check out for two weeks and while they are eligible for renewal up to 2 times, you will usually find that they cannot be renewed because of active holds.  

When a laptop is overdue by more than 4 days, it will automatically be locked and the hotspot will be disabled. 


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