Starting on April 2, 2025, Coursera access will be limited to full card holders (14 digit card numbers) and not available to our Virtual Card holders (7 digit cards). There are no waiting lists for the courses. Due to the popularity of Coursera and the limited number of seats available, access is not guaranteed. For more information, please see our Coursera page.
If the courses are all busy, we suggest you might try our
O'Reilly - ebooks and online courses available in many technology and computer programming subjects.
Petersen Test Prep is very useful if you are planning on taking a standard test or certificate exam.
All of these and more are found on our "Learn" page.
Follow this link for information about getting a Thousand Oaks Library card. You can register online, but you will need to visit one of our locations in person to get your permanent card and enroll in Coursera.