While Thousand Oaks Library is now fine-free for overdue items, if the items are not returned, you will be charged a replacement fee for a lost / unreturned item.
If you lose or damage materials borrowed from the library, you are liable for the cost of replacing those materials. If an item is kept for more than 30 days past the due date, it will automatically be billed as a Lost item. If you return the lost / overdue item in good condition, the replacement fee will be waived.
If you have lost an item, and you don't think you can find it - First Please call us at 805-449-2660, or see the Circulation Desk when you are at the library. Please do not purchase a replacement item without speaking to Circulation staff and getting information on the replacement process.
Once a fee has been charged to your library account, you can pay in person at the Circulation Desk, or online, by logging in to "My Account" and clicking on the Fines/Fees link on the left side of your account page. If you do not see an amount in this area, the fee has not yet been assessed, and you can initiate the assessment by speaking to our Circulation Desk.
If you have paid for a damaged or lost item online through "My Account" and you find your account is still blocked, please contact Circulation to update your account.
The price charged for materials includes the cost of the replacement item plus a non-refundable processing fee for each item to help offset the cost of purchasing and processing replacement material. Out-of-print materials frequently are more costly now than when they were originally purchased.
If you have lost and paid for an item and then find the item within 90 days of payment, please return the item to the circulation desk as you may be eligible for a partial refund.
If you have damaged an item, or lost a part of an item (such as one CD out of a set), please do not attempt to repair the item yourself. Please call us at 805-449-2660, or see the Circulation Desk when you are at the library. The repair or replacement cost will be assessed by staff. If you have received notification of a damaged item, the item will be held at the Circulation desk for you to see.
When you pay for a damaged item, you may keep the item if you wish to do so.
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