My PIN doesn't work

My PIN doesn't work!

I've forgotten my PIN

I never had a PIN


Your Library PIN code is usually assigned as the last four digits of the telephone number you used when you got your Library card.

If your PIN suddenly doesn't work in Libby or Overdrive, it may be that your library card is expired.

I you have forgotten your PIN code, please use the "I forgot my PIN" link under the login for "My Account." You must have an email account associated with your library card to self-reset your PIN.  

PINs must be exactly 4 digits, and can only include numbers.

If you wish to change your PIN, please first login to "My Account" and then use the "Edit PIN" link on the left side of the screen, just below your name. 

If you need help resetting your PIN, or if you think your card may be expired, please come in to either library, or contact us though Ask-a-Librarian 

  • Last Updated Nov 18, 2023
  • Views 389
  • Answered By JB

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