Can I get my notifications by text?

I'd like to be able to receive my notifications about pickups, held items, overdues, etc. by text message.

How can I do that?


Text Notification FAQ


Sign up for Text Notification

Thousand Oaks Library offers text and phone notifications from Shoutbomb - a text and voice messages service.

Sign up to:

  • Receive text notices about requested items ready for holds pickup, items due soon and overdue items.
  • Send a text to request a renewal and receive a text back with the result of your request.

Note: There is no fee for this service, but your mobile service provider's regular text-messaging rates may apply.

If you would like to receive your notices by text message, there are two easy ways to set this up:

What you need

  • A mobile phone that can send and receive text messages (Rates may apply. Confirm with your service provider).
  • The 14-digit barcode number from your library card and a PIN for your account

Courtesy Notices are sent out via email, text, or phone 3 days before items are due except items with a 2 or 3 day loan period. Please note, the Library is not responsible for notices not received.

How do I sign up for text notification?

Sign Up with Your Library Account

  1. Log into My Account, click the Edit Account button to pull up the Modify Personal Information window.
  2. Choose the TEXT radio button.
  3. Enter your cell phone number in the Text Message Number box.
  4. Click Submit to save your changes. It may take up to 24 hours to activate.
  5. Add Shoutbomb phone number (833) 227-9922 to your contact list.
  6. At this time, we cannot offer both phone and text notifications simultaneously. If family members share a telephone number to receive notifications, please ensure that all family members select the same notification method. If an individual family member prefers a different notification method, please use a different telephone number for that family member.

What do I do if I don’t get a reply from the Shoutbomb service?

The Shoutbomb service processes all request within 60 seconds of receiving your message, but some cell phone providers do not deliver this first message promptly. 

Wait and see if the reply arrives. If after 4 hours you still have not received a reply, send the keyword RESEND to 833-227-9922. You can only use the RESEND command three times per day. This limitation is in place to protect from spam messages. If you do not receive a reply after three days, then send an email detailing your issue to Ask a Librarian or call (805) 449-2660.

When will I receive texts?

Overdue and holds notifications will be sent between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What type of text notifications are available?

By default, the following notices are turned on; however, texting the related keyword to (833) 227-9922 will turn that type of notice off. Texting the keyword again, will turn that type of notice back on.

  • OVERDUE: this is a notice that things are already overdue.
  • FEES: this is a notice that there are fines or fees owed.
  • HOLDS: this is a notice that you have holds ready to be picked up.
  • RENEW: this is a notice that things will soon be due, and you can renew them.
  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: Broadcast messages from the library.
  • CLOSURE: Broadcast messages 7 days before Library Closed.

What other keywords can I use with Shoutbomb?

Send all keywords to (833) 227-9922

General services keywords:

  • MYCARDS - Shoutbomb will return the registered card number(s) and expiration date(s) of the account(s)
  • MYBOOKS - Request a list of current account information (checkouts, holds, fines).
  • HELP -Get information about all Shoutbomb keywords
  • NOTICES - Current status of all opt in/opt out services
  • RESEND - Resend the last message(s) from Shoutbomb.
  • TEST - Test your connection to Shoutbomb service.
  • YF - receive fine/fees balance reminders
  • NF - Not to recieve fine/fees balance reminders

Hold keywords:

  • HL - Request a list of your items currently on the hold shelf.

Renewal keywords:

  • RA - Request to renew all eligible items (not overdues).
  • OA - Request to renew all overdue items.
  • ALL - Request to renew all eligible items, including overdues.
  • RI - Request to show items NOT eligible for renewal.
  • OI - Request to show OVERDUE items NOT eligible for renewal.
  • BI - Request to show all billed items.
  • RL - Request for list of eligible items (not overdues) to choose to renew.
  • OL - Request for list of eligible OVERDUE items to choose to renew.
  • RW - Request for reasons WHY items not eligible to renew.
  • OW - Request for reasons WHY overdue items not eligible to renew.

[Note: You cannot use the same keyword more than 3 times in a day. This limitation is in place to protect from spam attacks.]

What if I switch phones but keep the same number?

If you switch to a new cell phone and the phone number remains the same, you don't need to do anything.

How do I report an issue?

If you are experiencing any issues with the service or you would like to make a suggestion for improvement, please text/e-Mail your comments to

How do I stop the text notification service?

You can go to My Account, click Edit account button, and change your notice preference to email or telephone, and remove your text number in your account.

Can I opt for both email and text message notification?

Yes, if you would like to receive both email and text notifications, select the Email option and enter your cell phone number in the Text Message Number box in addition to a valid email address.

At this time, we’re unable to offer both phone and text notifications simultaneously. Please select the notification method that is best for you!

  • Last Updated Oct 31, 2023
  • Views 53
  • Answered By JB

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